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Does your child struggle


Social Skills are HARD!

While social skills come naturally to many people, there are lots of people who find the multifaceted aspects of social interactions confusing. In addition to conversational skills, there are countless nonverbal skills that also play a roll in social interactions. 

Can this be improved?

YES! We work with clients of all ages; children aged 8-18 through adulthood.

Teenagers on Mobile phone

Topics we cover in social skills coaching...


FRIENDS: How to make friends, how to keep friends, different types of friends, conflicts with friends, choosing healthy friends, etc.

NONVERBAL SKILLS: Interpreting facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, posture, proximity to speaker, gestures, etc.

VERBAL SKILLS: Tone of voice, volume, appropriate language for conversational partner, jargon, slang, etc.

RECIPROCAL SKILLS: Turn taking, topic variation, negotiating, asking/answering questions, etc.

INITIATION SKILLS: Starting a conversation with someone new, starting a conversation with someone you know, joining a conversation already taking place, etc. 

  • Give your child the skills they need to interact socially.

  • Set your child up for positive relationships with others.

  • Eliminate the uneasy feeling that you're not doing enough.

  • Have an expert to talk about real life situations with, ask for advice and strategies. 

  • Feel confident that you are preparing your child for success!

Cute Kids Posing Against Wall
Imagine if you could...


We use visuals, interactive resources and positive reinforcement with our learners. Our 1:1 sessions focus on building the foundational skills needed to be successful socially. This is equivalent to having a tutor in a specific subject outside of school.

Ordering Pizza

Wait, but is this for me?

Our coaching is based in science with a whole lot of heart. We individualize our service to fit your unique family - whatever that looks like! Whether you have a diagnosis for your child or not, we provide these foundational skills to help your child grow socially. The holistic coaching you receive is backed by research, peer reviewed journals, and years of experience teaching social skills to learners 5-25. 

Blue Umbrella?

  • Social Skills Curriculum Designer

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst

  • Concierge Intervention Services

  • Coordinator for Multi-Disciplinary Teams

  • Holistic Approach - (Open to All Options)

  • 9 years Focused on the Science of Learning

  • 12 years of Social Skills Instruction

  • 16 years Providing Services to Children with Learning Differences

Why go with


Toni Rozzi


Pink Keyboard

1:1 Virtual Coaching
Live access from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Cynthia, mother of Dylan

"Our son had a bout of selective mutism early in his development. Now he's in middle school and was struggling with conversations and making friends. Social Skills Coaching made such a difference for him. It healed my mama heart too."
Happy Children


get the support they deserve


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