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What if you could

your child's Special Ed documents?


Special Ed is CONFUSING!

There are so many specialists, experts, and professionals sharing their results, data, and opinions about your child. Sometimes, there are specific teachers for specific things, or different classrooms, different schedules, different assignments, different curriculums. 

How am I supposed to know all this?
Learning Sign Language

Have you ever asked...


What type of accommodations would help my child?

This isn't working, is there something else we can try?

Can I bring my own expert to a CSE meeting with me?

Are we doing everything we can to set my child up for success?

  • Know that you are doing everything in your power to be the best advocate you can be.

  • Have an expert with the time and knowledge to explain things to you in common terms.

  • Feel empowered and encouraged to advocate for your learner.

  • Ensure you have supports in place to promote growth and progress.

  • Experience solidarity and reassurance in this confusing arena. 

Mother's Day Card
Imagine if you could...


You are the expert on your own child. You have been with them from the beginning. You know your child best; better than any professional.

The key is to work as a team. Everyone has something to bring to the table. Approaching CSE meetings with respect, positivity, and preparedness. 

Recieving Flowers

Wait, but is this for me?

We have years of experience in different roles within Special Education. Drafting IEP's, 504's, BIP's, IFSP's and more. If you have an educational document or are looking to begin the process of putting one in place we can help. Our services are unique to your family and your child's needs. 

Boy Checking his Phone


Formal plans schools create to provide students with accommodations. It doesn't change what they learn, but how they learn it.



Legal documents that include specific, individualized plans for students with learning differences. Special education instruction, supports, and services. 

Happy Boy


Meetings where administrators, educators, specialists and parents come together to formulate 504's and IEP's. Parents are a critical part of these educational teams!

Notebook and Keyboard

1:1 Virtual Consulting
Live access from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Michael & Katelyn, parents of Carson

"Toni is the best gift we've given ourselves when it comes to parenting, but her true gift is making us feel like the experts!"
Playing with Pop It


Get the support they deserve

1:1 Parent Coaching

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